mardi 4 octobre 2011

Skin routine

My skin and i have our differences. We always had but i like to think that one day we'll overcome it.
I probably have the oiliest skin out there, my dermatologist is astounished by this fact since i'm skinny and petite. My acnea is very stubborn and attached to me, it refuses to go away even now that i am 26 (i'm old, i know).
So taking care of my skin is not an option, it's more of an obligation. Here are the products i use :

Avéne Cleanance cleanser
La Roche Posay Effaclar cleanser
I alternate these two, they're foaming soapless gels that leave my skin feeling fresh but i prefer the scent of Avéne's. I wash my face twice a day (morning and night), but sometimes when i'm being lazy i skip the night wash, i know i shouldn't.
Clean and clear Shine control scrub
This is really useless, it did me nothing, it's supposed to exfoliate and remove all kind of shining due to oil but it really didn't deliver for me. I'm still looking The Scrub, wish me luck.
Bourjois Makeup remover

This has cucumber extract in it so it leaves your skin feeling so fresh. Another added bonus is that it removes eye makeup as well. I use this with cotton pads and it works nicely.

Bioderma fluid sunscreen

 Wearing sunscreen is a must in Tunisia (lots and lots of sun exposure). Mine is spf 100 and it's fluid coz i have oily skin (get away from all the cream ones if you're like me).
there you have it, i'm not very obsessed with skincare (no daytime and night time moisturizers, not that i'm judging those who have) but i don't have the devil may care attitude toward my skin either (A. that's you).

xoxo, Bobo.

dimanche 2 octobre 2011

beauty wishlist

4 months ago i didn't even know what a primer was, would've thought that Illamasqua is a spanish poet, but thanks to all the lovely ladies of the beauty blogosphere i got better and here i am making a wish list.
Don't get me wrong, i've always been interested in all things girly (i read Cosmopolitan, that has to mean something, doesn't it), but i was more oriented toward french brands (coz i read the french Cosmo, dah).
First the high end brands : i've been smitten by the urban decay palettes : the Naked palette for a neutral look and the 15th anniversary palette for a more colorful look.
I like the brush that comes with the Naked palette, they used to sell it with a 24/7 double sided eyeliner (zero and bourbon i think) but i prefer the brush.
check out the swatches

the 15 anniversary palette is very pretty, almost like a jewelery box
here are the swatches

As for the drugstore stuff, i fell in love with Wet n Wild palettes, everybody keeps raving about their quality and i think the colors are amazing.

Covergirl lash blast : this is well known in the blogosphere and seems to be very nice. I have naturally long lashes but they lack volume so that's the first thing i look for when buying mascaras.
Lancome Hypnose drama
Givenchy phenomen'eyes
Actually i'm planning to get one of the last two (since Covergirl isn't available in Tunisia).
I have a very stubborn oily skin that refuses to behave so i have to get a full coverage foundation that is oilfree. These two seem to have what i need :
 I'm not much of a lipgloss girl, i prefer lipsticks but i don't wear them that often either. I've been drooling over MAC impassioned and Girl about town as well as Viva Glam V for a more natural look.
Mac girl about town

Mac Viva Glam V
Mac impassioned

i had dreams about the Urban Decay 15th anniversay eyeliners, they look so pretty and color coordinated (i'm weird that way, i know).
and here are the swatches

i'd also like to try a gel liner lik e the Clinique one or even the Maybelline one.
 I'd love to have the Sigma brush kit, they look so cute and pink
that's basically my make up porn  for today, i'll keep updating this list.
Love, Bobo.
ps : none of the pictures are mine, i'll remove them if asked to do so.

jeudi 29 septembre 2011


i'm almost graduating, pharmacist to be that's me. it took me 7 years to get to this point. these were the greatest years of my life as well as the most painful.
the first night at the dorm i met A. who turned out to be my bffae (best friend forever and ever). she told me the first time she saw me i was wearing a mask made out of chickpeas (a recipe that my grandma gave me for my acné, don't try it coz it sucked). at first i thought she was very quiet and kind of shy (compared to the tornado that her roomate was) but then we started to find a lot in common : we loved the same movies, we loved to stay up late, wake up late (and eventually miss most of the morning classes) and we had crazy overprotective dads that we love more than anything in the world.
we rent a house, lived together through all my uni years, she's my rock, the person with whom i share almost everything (she asked me to spare her the lovey dovey details coz it made her hate me and wanna throw things at me). she was the one who pushed me to find love since i'm the world's biggest coward (but that's another story, i'll get to it another time), the craziest, most wonderful moments always included her.
so, to wrap up (coz i can go on forever) i can't stress enough how much A. means to me; more than a sister, more than a friend, she's the Joey to my Chandler (if that makes sense). actually she always jokes about how much of a loser she thinks she is (which can't be more wrong coz she's the best, dah) and how she's gonna and up living in my garage. well honey, you're definitely not a loser but you'll be always welcome (i'll try to keep a nice room only for you).

let's get started

well here i am taking the plunge. i've been considering blogging for quite a while now. it started when i was looking up some makeup reviews and then i got hooked. now i'm following a dozen beauty blog and trying to start one of my own. this won't be exclusively beauty related, but it's a place where i can blubber about what's going on in my life.